Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Dealing with Aspergers

RaLene, Stephen, and I met with a social worker from school yesterday. He is doing a new analysis, trying to decide what our next steps are with Stephen.

Dr. Eason did an 8-week study last summer, where we had verified Stephen has Aspergers. This meeting was the basis for additional analysis to help decide academic planning as well as begin working on which high school to send Stephen to.

RaLene and I have wrestled with how to help Stephen grow. He is such a smart boy when it comes to mathematical and scientific thought, but he's lacking in common sense, social grace, and physical coordination.

He's been on ADD medication for nearly a year, and that has helped him focus. There is so much more he needs to learn so he can function in high school and college.

We'll continue to fast and pray for him and ask the Lord for guidance as we raise him.

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